#!/usr/bin/env luajit -- Dear $entity, you are $insultprefix $insult. Please $instruction. $utterance. $love, Matthew. entity = { "Windows", "NTL", "X keysyms", "BA's online booking system", "VISUAL FUCKING STUDIO", "people who use mail whitelisting services", "shell", "Mr. DasherView.cpp", "STA", "Windows 2000", "debian-legal", "frontal sinuses", "spammers", "PCMCIA", "Microsoft's ACPI compiler", "Windows's MISERABLE EXCUSE for an accessibility API", "RMS", "ESR", "STA", "PC World", "world", "Debian developers", "Intel", "whoever stole my IDE cables", "T-Mobile", } insultprefix = { "steaming ", "fuckwanking ", "Jesus-wanking ", "cunting ", "shitting ", "fucking ", "", "", "", } insult = { "COMPLETE SHIT", "worse than paedophiles", "a PILE. OF. ARSE", "a pile of masturbatory wank", "wankwits", "murderous bastards", "green masturbatory wank", "fuckwankers", "utter utter bastards", "cockfarmers", } instruction = { "have your skin grated and lemon applied", "be struck by lightning twenty times and have a plane crash on you, but finally be killed by an ambulance driver selecting reverse by accident", "be cordially invited to ingest my engorged genitalia", "reserve them a place in the BIG CHEMICAL FIRE that will be the first thing to happen after the revolution", "fuck off and die in a great big chemical fire before I get back there to beat you", "suffer a massive stroke immediately", "fuck off or I'll be forced to attack you with an electric drill", "Die. No, really.", "choke on a bucket of cocks (jwz++)", "suck my engorged cock", "consume sodium", "DIE YOU UTTER UTTER BASTARDS", "die in a big chemical fire while I watch and laugh", "suffer flaming plastic death", "be subject to flaming plastic anal violation", "BURN TO THE GROUND" } utterance = { "FURIOUS ANGER", "I feel dirty", "Fuckwankery", "k thx bye", "HRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH", "GOD DAMN IT, PEOPLE", "CHRIST", "Christing puce", "FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST", } love = { "Love", "No love", "Not much love", "I hate you all", } local template = "Dear $(entity), you are $(insultprefix)$(insult). Please $(instruction). $(utterance). $(love), Matthew." d = io.open("/dev/urandom", "r"):read(4) math.randomseed(d:byte(1) + (d:byte(2) * 256) + (d:byte(3) * 65536) + (d:byte(4) * 4294967296)) --math.randomseed(os.time() + os.clock() * math.random()) io.write "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nStatus: 200 Ok\r\n\r\n" print "Virtual mjg59" print((string.gsub(template, "%$%((.-)%)", function(t) local t = _G[t] local e = math.random(table.getn(t)) return t[e] end))) print "

Refresh for more abuse. Source is here."